I'm taking a moment to vent on my blog, because I can. You don't have to really care, or help or anything. I'm notorious for having to just get it out of me. I also preface this by saying that I don't want any of you one-uppers to try to make me feel better by comparing my shit to yours. I realize that everyone has their thing, but right now I don't care about yours. Sorry. Get yer own blargh.
Anyway, let's start with the fact that I did my taxes the other night and it made me want to move to a beautiful crevice under a rock. How in the hell can I owe almost $3000 federal and $2500 state taxes? I was gainfully employed and had taxes taken out all of last year. Is this for real? I've NEVER had this much to pay and I'm starting to wonder why I should pay it. I can't even get my freakin' street plowed yet I have to pay the state a tax? For what?
In the shadow of all this, I broke a tooth and now I look like a hillbilly. Thankfully, it's not in the front of my mouth but it's still noticeable when I smile. Does $5500 in taxes get me free dentistry? NOPE, because we live in America, where you pay and get nothing. So now I have to choose between a pretty smile and basically burning $5500. We all know that even with insurance, dentistry isn't usually covered completely so yeah, fuck you america.
Today my arm finally feels closer to normal after dealing with a herniated disk in my neck. I have had nothing but intense discomfort and pain for over a week. People think I'm crazy, but I bet if they had to deal with that kind of pain they'd cry like a baby. Nerve pain is intense. It's not a bruise, or a sore muscle. It's an electrical shooting pain that can bring you to your knees and usually comes with numbness and weakness. I wouldn't wish it upon my worst enemy, it's THAT bad.
I wish I can go in there with a melon baller and just scoop the bad stuff out.
Also, who wants to be my sugar daddy?