Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Oh, Life.

I'm taking a moment to vent on my blog, because I can. You don't have to really care, or help or anything. I'm notorious for having to just get it out of me. I also preface this by saying that I don't want any of you one-uppers to try to make me feel better by comparing my shit to yours. I realize that everyone has their thing, but right now I don't care about yours. Sorry. Get yer own blargh.

Anyway, let's start with the fact that I did my taxes the other night and it made me want to move to a beautiful crevice under a rock. How in the hell can I owe almost $3000 federal and $2500 state taxes? I was gainfully employed and had taxes taken out all of last year. Is this for real? I've NEVER had this much to pay and I'm starting to wonder why I should pay it. I can't even get my freakin' street plowed yet I have to pay the state a tax? For what?

In the shadow of all this, I broke a tooth and now I look like a hillbilly. Thankfully, it's not in the front of my mouth but it's still noticeable when I smile. Does $5500 in taxes get me free dentistry? NOPE, because we live in America, where you pay and get nothing. So now I have to choose between a pretty smile and basically burning $5500. We all know that even with insurance, dentistry isn't usually covered completely so yeah, fuck you america.

Today my arm finally feels closer to normal after dealing with a herniated disk in my neck. I have had nothing but intense discomfort and pain for over a week. People think I'm crazy, but I bet if they had to deal with that kind of pain they'd cry like a baby. Nerve pain is intense. It's not a bruise, or a sore muscle. It's an electrical shooting pain that can bring you to your knees and usually comes with numbness and weakness. I wouldn't wish it upon my worst enemy, it's THAT bad.

I wish I can go in there with a melon baller and just scoop the bad stuff out.
Also, who wants to be my sugar daddy?

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Lil Miss Cassidy Katz von Squish

Meet my new pet...Lil Miss Cassidy Katz von Squish, or Miss Squish.

She is going to be taking over my house as of 8pm tonight, when I pick her up from her former owner. I'm not sure why he's getting rid of her, but I'm thankful that I can help and she won't ever need to see the inside of a shelter.

If you are reading this, you probably know that I am NOT a cat person. They are selfish, fun for a very limited amount of time, hurt when they make bread on your booby and generally don't give a crap about anything but killing things and lasers. However, I am a fan of furry, squishy things and animals in general, so I am sucking it up.

I have wanted a pet for a while and even though a dog would be my ideal, I know all-to-well that I'm not ready for such a big responsibility. I don't have a yard for running around, I'm not home all the time and have very little human support not that I live in Milwaukee. It wouldn't be fair to the dog, and like I said, cats don't care so this will be perfect for us both.

I hope she likes me.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Thursday, February 3, 2011

This is real, folks

Safety Cone

I want everything made by 64Colors.

Snow Day!!!

I'm sorry. No matter where you are from or how long you've lived somewhere, you never get used to huge dumpings of snow. Ten inches is one things, but 24 inches with 40-60 mph winds is another.

The impending snow was big news Tuesday night, so we all were buzzing regarding whether or not we'd actually have a snow day. Snow days are elusive. They seemed abundant while growing up. They were magical.

I woke up Wednesday morning and called the Kohl's Continuity Hotline, which is fancy corp speak for weather hotline, and it told me that Kohl's Corp would remain open. WTF?!?! There was a state emergency! How could they?

My phone blew up immediately from the calls of coworkers starting the "I'm not going in, are you?" game. It was exhausting. People were carrying guilty for not going in when there is a blizzard and state of emergency. Insane. I'm tired of the retail world creating this perception that what we do is important. It's not. I shouldn't have to have guilty for not being able to get some halloween tablecloths shot for packaging. The world will still revolve if this waits another day. If we were curing cancer, I would have been out there digging with a spoon to get to work. Unfortunately, we are not. Therefore, my workplace can eat it.

Here is a pic of Lake Shore Drive in Chicago after the snowicane. Granted, I live in Milwaukee, but it's was really no different up there. Snow up to my hips!